Thursday, December 27, 2007

Metapost: I'm still alive... again

I know... I know!

It says "every weekday" right up there, and yet I've barely done a half dozen posts this month. Chalk it up to extra paying work, holiday travel/socializing and more time spent with games that last significantly longer than an hour (Rock Band rocks my world).

Rest assured, though, that I am not dead, and neither is the Games For Lunch project. In fact, there ware some big plans in the works for this entire enterprise that should be coming to fruition next week. Watch this space for more.


Anonymous said...

Sounds great. Hope you had a great holiday. I'm going to recommend you try Zak and Wiki, I don't see it on your list!

Anonymous said...

whilst we're waiting can you make a new column named 'Games for Breakfast' or 'Games while you're on the toilet'? :P I'm having withdrawal reading symptoms without your daily blog like 'The Adventures of Emo Manbaby'

Also I think you should do Saints Row, its buggy beyond hell. Or maybe 'Beautiful Katamari'

NRFBToyStore said...

Nah, do a review of "Ghostbusters", the C64 version! With the new game coming out soon...or...ummm, you review Bionic Commando yet? do you get Projectwonderful in the footeR? Blogger gives me a 500 character limit on my footer :/.

Anonymous said...

If my suspicions are correct I'm probably too late at this point, but for what it's worth I would be disappointed with a Games For Lunch that had a different reviewer every day. All reviews are filtered through the reviewer's tastes, and the reader can't get to know the tastes of a different reviewer every day.

Kyle said...

Your suspicions are incorrect, Jim. I was hoping to do the relaunch this week, but some complications have pushed it back a little. Can't say too much yet, but I think you'll be happy with the changes (and, it goes without saying, the resumed regular updates). Stay tuned...

Anonymous said...

I really like what you are doing with this blog. It's a fun and interesting project. Looking forward to more in the future.

For some similiar gaming stuff, check out:

That's my gaming/randomness blog

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say good luck.

Anonymous said...

You're off to a good start so far this year.../sarcasm
But keep up the good work over at joystiq - DCBlack

Anonymous said...

I found this and I was pretty excited about it, but then I read your Mass Effect review and now these two long, needless delays... this site is dead.

Unknown said...

Really do miss the regular updates here. Hope they come back soon.